Saturday, February 2, 2013

Faux Artist 2

Faux Artist 2 by judkajudy
I am participating in an online card class called "Clean and Simple 2" in which Jennifer McGuire demonstrated a technique she calls "faux artist" (her fantasy is to be a water color painter).

I stamped the "Trendy Trees" image on watercolor paper and then went over the lines and some small areas with watercolor pencils. I then took a brush wet wtih plain water and started at the right side of the card, just swished the wet brush up and down over the image, creating the "rainbow" effect.

Not sure about the green polka dotted paper, but it was a fun card to make! That little bow is a new paper punch, purchased on clearance at Michael's.

Rainy, gloomy day today; a good day to spend crafting. DH is leaving for Phoenix tomorrow for a ten day visit with his brother. Cooper and I will miss him! Especially when Cooper wants to go for his 6:00 a.m. walk!!

Thanks for stopping by!!


Barb said...

You just tell Cooper he's gonna have to wait until at LEAST 7:00am! :)

LOVE this fabulous card, Judy! Your watercolor, rainbow effect looks so pretty with those trees! :)

Janet a.k.a. swanlady21 said...

This effect worked so well with those trees - my favourite of all I've seen so far!

CinnamonSally said...

Wow Judy what a fabulous effect!!

Darnell said...

Well done on the class funwork, Judy! I love your happy colorful trees on the fab card base!!

Thanks for joining us at the Playhouse! I appreciate it very much, have happily returned the flavor, and will welcome you in my blog post later today!!

donna mikasa said...

Oh, I haven't tried this yet but it looks like so much fun!! And that's what card making should be, right?

Looks like you'll be bonding with Cooper for a while. Tell him it's Daylight Savings again and you can sneak in an extra hour of sleep! Have fun!

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