Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Printables" ATC

"Printables" ATC by judkajudy
One of the challenges this month on the Hero Arts blog is to make an ATC, or Artists' Trading Card.  Last year I made ATC's and participated in a couple of swaps but this is my first ATC since then. It surprises me how much art you can create in so little space and how fun it is to add details as you go along.

I've used Hero Arts "Printables" on this ATC. The background is Old Letter Writing and the butterflies come from a printable titled "Flutterbies". It's easy peasy to print out the images, color and cut! No inky smudges and a perfect image every time.

I colored the butterflies with Copic markers, but they didn't come to life until I distressed them with Scattered Straw distress ink. The message was in my scraps and I don't have any idea where it came from; it just showed up at the right time. Don't you love it when that happens?

I've been able to spend time playing with stamps, paper and ink these past few days and have thoroughly enjoyed the process. The hustle and bustle of the holidays are behind us and winter days are for hot chocolate and crafting!

I'm so happy you stopped by!!


Dawn T said...

Your ATC is wonderful Judy. Love the way the distress made the butterflies pop.

Cat Craig said...

Judy, what a lovely ATC. the colors are wonderful...and a perfect sentiment.

donna mikasa said...

Gorgeous ATC, Judy! Love how you colored the butterflies, too! Love this!

Karen Dunbrook said...

gorgeous card...

MarcyK924 said...

WOW, this little ATC packs a punch! I LOVE the colors you chose and that fabulous sentiment!

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