Wednesday, August 24, 2011

90 Minute Scramble this Sunday!

Scramble prizes by judkajudy
This is the prize package I've put together for the winner of the 90 minute scramble I am hosting on the Hero Arts blog. The Scramble starts at 1:00 pm Central time.  Hero Arts is offering a digi kit as a prize to the second winner.

You will have 90 minutes to design, create and upload your card following the theme and rules posted when the Scramble starts. It is good fun and the more who Scramble, the merrier! 

Hope to see you there, and thanks for stopping by.


Brenda said...

You are too generous Joy!

Nancy K said...

That is a really coveted prize package for those of us without an Archiver's in the area. How generous of you to put together such a unique collection. I hope to be home in time to play along on Sunday! Hugs!

Virginia L. said...

So generous of you, Judy! The prize you offer is amazing! I'll try to be around to play :)

Barb said...

Fab prize, Judy! I'm looking forward to playing!

donna mikasa said...

Wow--what a generous prize! Hoping to play along with y'all!

sheila said...

this is such a great prize....I really hope to make the scramble but am having a big cook out with family that day....

Kathy (krolski) said...

Wow, what a prize! How generous! I'm hoping I can play this weekend.

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