Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tiffany Doodles Clover Flower

Tiffany Doodles Clover Flower by judkajudy
Tiffany inventoried her images and produced a list of those without a sample card. This is one of the images I chose to make a card to be used as a sample. I love simple images like this. I cut a notecard in half to make this card so that the flower could be the main focus. The sentiment and gems are Hero Arts.

Tiffany adds new digi's quite often; stop by her store and check them out! If you haven't done digi yet, Tiffany has great tutorials on her blog.

On a personal note, my surgery-caused black eye is creeping down my face! I made a quick trip to the grocery store and was afraid someone would hand me a card wtih the domestic abuse hotline number!! Other than very dry eyes (ouch!) I am doing well.

Thanks for stopping by.


Anette said...

Beautifully colored, Judy!!

Barb said...

What a pretty image that is! Beautiful card! I hope your black eye heals soon, Judy! Thanks for always making me laugh! :)

Tracey said...

Beautiful Judy!!

donna mikasa said...

Oh, my! This digi is gorgeous! Now this is my kind of digi! Love the way you colored it, too. Great CAS card!

Lin said...

Good to hear that your healing is progressing, Judy! Isn't this a pretty image - love how you colored it!

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