Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like ...


THANKSGIVING!! Our family gave up traditional Christmas gift giving many years ago when kids were in college, young families were getting started, and Mom and Dad had everything they needed! But a few years ago, we began playing a game involving wrapped gifts, of limited financial cost, and had so much fun, we do it every Christmas we are together. Well, this year, those of the family who can, are coming for Thanksgiving from Wisconsin and Minnesota to our home in Alabama. So, even though it isn't Christmas, everyone wanted to play "the game". So, here are my gifts, ready to join in the fun! The decision to play the game was last minute, so DH and I scooted to the mall and within one hour we had selected seven gifts! Can't tell you what's in the boxes yet, but here's a hint: one of the presents flies!! Can't wait to see the surprised faces!!


GrammySue's Creations said...

Judy, I hope that you have a very nice Thanksgiving and enjoy having you family with you. I think that having Christmas at Thanksgiving is a neat idea. All the presents look festive and ready to open. Enjoy the Holiday. God Bless.

Nancy said...

How fun...we do unique gift exchanges with our families too. I love it when fun is the goal. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Judy, blessings to you!

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