Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Have fun! Buy me some dishes!"

With those words, I sent my dh off to a yard sale in our neighborhood! I was too cozy in our warm bed and my hair was too scary to venture out in public! Why would I say, "Buy me some dishes"?

Well, back in our old life in Madison, Wisconsin we went garage saling almost every Saturday morning. We were out of the house by 6:30, out to breakfast by 9! We had such fun and found such bargains. It became quite a story within our family about the sets of dishes we bought! I would give away the current set to one child or another and enjoyed the variety! Our "good" china was a wonderful garage sale find.

Well, when we retired and sold everything, all the dishes were gone! Since settling in Alabama, I have had the same set of dishes for four years! A record! So, feeling nostalgic about the fun we had garage saling, I told my dh to "buy me some dishes".

I almost fell over when he walked in the house with a gargantuan box! And he told me there were four more!! He had acquired this entire set of dishes, service for 16, with SIX serving platters, FIVE serving bowls, a soup tureen, two gravy boats, two sugar and creamer sets, a large pitcher, two salt and pepper shakers, cereal bowls, soup bowls and mugs! There is even a four piece canister set!!

We took this photo after unpacking the boxes and before we ran the whole batch through the dishwasher.

I spent the morning cleaning out the cupboards to make room for all these dishes and I now have to spend time at my sister's home, making room for my "old" dishes that we both love! It was hard to part with my current dishes, but my sister lives just down the street and I can visit them!!

Oh, by the way, this whole set of dishes cost $20!! Negotiated down from $25!!!



Cathy A said...

Wow what a lovely find and bargain to boot!!

Virginia L. said...

What a FIND and BARGAIN! You are starting your 2nd post already! Love your story of the garage sale! Your blog rocks!

Karen from MI said...

Oh really know how to TUG at my HEART STRINGS! You made me CRY with this sweet story! HOW ROMANTIC!! I guess God just gave me the SOFTEST heart he had available on the day He created me! Your DISHES are BEAUTIFUL! Maybe YOU and I should split the "lot".....I have had my chipped and broken little set for OVER TWENTY YEARS! OH JUDY!! Time for me to get out of BED early one Saturday and look for a GARAGE SALE.......thanks for the motivation. Larry must be ONE GREAT GUY!!! Love, Karen xoxoxo

Lin said...

What IS it about dishes? I'm the same way....there are so many pretty patterns out there! We just recently replaced ours, a set of Pfaltzgraaf Yorktown over 38 years old, though not for $25.00, that's for sure! GREAT bargainer, your DH!! Loved your story!

Linda aka Oz said...

Oh I love this! I used to buy single or double sets just for certain foods. I had the taco set, soup and sandwich set, Sunday morning fruit salad set. I had so many single plates and bowls but then I had cupboards to hold them. Now...well you know better than anyone. I know have 4 plates, 4 soup bowls and they match and stack nicely..hehe Hugs Judy and congrats on your blog journey!

Jacqueline said...

Good old America with it's yard sales! So much cheaper than in France. I remember being on holiday near Tampa in Florida and buying a Marjolein Bastin (she is Dutch) cup once, in fantastic shape for 10 dollar cents. After four years it's still intact and my favorite cup!
That dish set looks so cozy and I bet it's lovely to use! Well done, for 20 dollars - count yourselves very, very lucky!

Nancy said...

I love that story and I find it totally amazing that your dh would venture out to a garage sale on his own....and come home with such wonderful loot!! Lucky you! Enjoy those lovely dishes.

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