Sunday, July 10, 2011

Betsy Bluebell by Penny Black

Betsy Bluebell by Penny Black by judkajudy
Now that I think of it, if the stamp set is called "Betsy Bluebell" there probably should have been some blue coloring going on! But I love these sunny bright colors for summer. I made this card to thank the Penny Black blog people for spotlighting one of my cards on the PB blog today! And they are sending me a "Slapstick" stamp of my choice! They made my day!

It's a rainy Sunday in Huntsville! I have begun the task of packing for a week's vacation in Wisconsin. I will unpack and repack at least twice before we leave! My husband will spend 20 minutes putting things in a suitcase!

So, until next time, thanks for stopping by!!


Barb said...

Oh my goodness, Judy, this is so adorable! I love the colors and your fab design with the embossed card base and wonderful, scalloped circle! I know what you mean about packing and husbands! Have a great trip visiting family! You should plan another trip there in October and drive over to Minnesota for Scrapfest! What a good idea, huh? (hint, hint) Hugs! :)

donna mikasa said...

So cute, Judy! Betsy looks great in summery colors, and congrats on scoring a stamp set! Hope you have a wonderful family vacation--will you be packing your Copics?

GrammySue's Creations said...

Hi Judy, your card is adorable--love it. Congratulations on being spotlighted on the Penny Black blog.

Judy1223 said...

Hi Judy, great card! I especially love the embossed background...what folder is that? Hey, also congrats on being spotlighted at the PB blog...way to go!

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