Saturday, January 19, 2013

Raining Love

Raining Love by judkajudy
This is a Hero Arts Stamp and Cut image. The background is Simon Says' Falling Hearts die cut. The litle bird is by Doodlebug Designs and is a gift from my blogging friend Sally. I added white dots to the umbrella and colored the sections with Distress markers.

I am going to enter this in CASology's "Blue" challenge.

We had rain all last week and it didn't look like love or hearts!!

Thanks for stopping by.


Barb said...

Judy, I ADORE this card! Every detail is so perfect! Darling card! :)

Judy1223 said...

Oh, Judy, yet another adorable CAS card! It's such a shame that rain doesn't really look like this, isn't it? Thanks again for playing at CASology!

Cat Craig said...

How cute is this, SUPER-CUTE, IT IS, love it.

Meghan said...

Such a sweet little bird and umbrella! What a great card for someone feeling "under the weather." Thanks for joining in on the fun at CASology this week!

Dawn T said...

Too cute Judy. Lovely colours and design

Brenda said...

THis is super sweet Judy! I love that SSS die background. And that birdie and umbrella are really cute, it's bound to make the recipient feel better immediately!

Ardyth said...

Showers of love! I love it! Thanks so much for playing along with CASology this week, Judy!

Rosemary said...

another lovely take on the cue word, judy! that die cut background is so perfect with the little umbrella!

Cindy C. said...

Super cute!!!

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